Petra cen Clarus

imperial defector & magitek engineer

Garlean | 32
she/her | bisexual
mechanical engineering | drinking | smoking |
gossip | blades | guns | mammets

Petra cen Clarus


Garlemald born and after naturalization through the Garlong Ironworks, Petra cen Clarus is an amiable engineer in the employ of Junkdog Metalworks. Her work generally revolves around delicate machinery, not-so delicate machinery, and keeping the company out of trouble that Francis "Filthy Frank" Laroux seems to be fond of falling into.Outside of work, Petra continues her own research and development of practical mechanisms, her favorite hobby being mammetry. She enjoys smoking, drinking, and eavesdropping on your conversations.

Petra cen Clarus


- Bears a characteristic third eye hidden under her bangs that might be visible in some circumstances.
- One magitek arm, one magitek leg, both left side. Very shrimpteresting.
- If you have machinery on you, she's likely studying it from the other side of the room.
- [If Imperial]: Bears striking resemblance to one Petros goe Clarus of Ilsabard.

Petra cen Clarus


Hi! I'm a nondescript non-binary mess IRL and in my mid-to-late twenties. I don't fuck around with homophobes, transphobes, racists, misogynists, TERFs/"GCs", pedophiles, "MAPs" and etc.I do not tolerate any instances of sexual assault or abuse in roleplay outside of respectful handling of the subject, (ie. survivors recovering.)I'm always up for making friends, but please remember that IC does not equal OOC. If you're a minor please let me know in order to maintain a healthy and respectful relationship.WOW CHECK OUT MY ART!!!White supremacists fuck off.

Petra cen Clarus


name: ██████ sas ██████
age: 32
sex: █
height: 6'2"
weight: 130 lbs. / 160 lbs.
hair: blonde
eyes: blue
physical description: tall, lithe, of athletic build. left arm has been removed at the shoulder joint. likewise, left leg has been amputated mid-femur. both areas bear substantial scarring. subject retains characteristic third eye of ethnic Garlean origin.
service history:
originally joined the VIIth Legion under Nael van Darnus as an architecti after graduation from the Magitek Academy in Ilsabard and served until the failed Project Meteor dismantled the VIIth. after a brief return to Garlemald, ██████ was reassigned per request to the XIVth Legion as a pilus prior under the tribunus laticlavicus and quickly rose through the ranks. during Baelsar’s invasion and consequent occupation of Ala Mhigo, ██████ was formally granted the rank of goe due to prior experience with native Eorzeans. duties mainly consisted of infiltration and dismantlement of resistance pockets, along with generalized reconnaissance and espionage.
after the disappearance of Baelsar and retreat of the surviving XIVth forces to occupied Ala Mhigo, ██████ remained with the legion under the leadership of crown prince Lord Zenos yea Galvus until the subsequent reclamation of Gyr Abania by the Eorzean Alliance.
██████ was then reassigned to the VIIth, now under the command of Valens van Varro, as praefectus castrorum. after an amount of time spent in service with the reformatted legion, ██████ sas ██████ was reported AWOL off the isle of Werlyt with a sizable shipment of munitions and a triarii cohort composed primarily of conscripted troops.
remarks: rumours regarding subject's lineage have surfaced within recent years in light of the late ███████ fae ██████'s comments upon his deathbed.

Petra cen Clarus

body ref

Petra cen Clarus


King Automaton

A construct of bronze with a heart of gold, King is Petra's partner and close companion. Their relationship usually unsettles the other engineers and anyone else nearby.

Branithgara Votyasch

A new companion and warm friend, Brani is Petra's part-time bodyguard when she needs to go places that might be particularly unfriendly.

Siorc Fiadhaich

A fool of a Sea Wolf and an old friend. Siorc helped orchestrate the exodus of Petra and her cohorts.

TJ Maxx

Petra helped build and currently maintains TJ. Absolutely adorable and full of spirit. And also ketchup. Among other things.

Penny Agara

One of the other engineers at the Junkworks. Penny is dear friend and confidant to Petra. They enjoy verbally sparring at times.

Pawn Micro-Pi

Petra's first automaton. A small, shy robot made primarily to act as the Junkworks triage medic and machine-on-machine maintenance.

Bishop Macro-Pi

Petra's latest automaton and slightly more advanced than his older sister, at least physically. Maybe not emotionally. He's a little bit of a himbot.